1.3 String

Let’s start by getting a more formal introduction to our friend, String.

First of all, notice that when I refer to Ruby classes, I capitalize the first letter. The only time we use capital letters when we’re programming is when we refer to Ruby classes. All other times — variable names, file names, etc — we’re going to use lowercase letters only (other than when we’re writing some copy inside a string, of course).

1.3.1 Creating strings

We’ve actually been taking a shortcut this whole time when we’ve been saying something like

s = "Hello, world!"

In Ruby, the formal way to create a new object is to use the .new method on the parent class:

s = String.new

This will, however, just give us back an empty string "".

Make the invisible visible in GitPod

Let’s practice making the invisible visible. We will spend a moment getting a GitPod workspace set up, and then running Ruby programs from the terminal there. The steps are:

  1. Sign up for a Gitpod.io account. It will ask you to sign in using your GitHub account.

  2. We will create a workspace for each project that we work on. Each workspace is based on a GitHub repository (i.e., a folder with some code in it). For example, here is a repository:


  3. To create a Gitpod workspace based on a repo, in the address bar of your browser enter https://gitpod.io/# and then the URL of the repo. For example,


  4. This creates a blank, brand-new computer. This is not a REPL, nor is it an HTML application like we made for Rock, Paper, Scissors. But Ruby is installed on this computer.

  5. We can create a Ruby file by right-clicking in the file explorer and selecting “New File”. We can call our file howdy.rb, making sure to end it with the extension .rb.

  6. With howdy.rb open in the editor window, we can add some code like p "Hello, world!", and save the file (or turn on “Auto Save”).

  7. Now we can run the file by clicking on the terminal and typing (after the $-sign): ruby howdy.rb. When we press return on our keyboard, the code in howdy.rb will execute and show us the result!

To get more comfortable with these steps, create another file called invisible_to_visible.rb, and fill it with this code:

# One-by-one, uncomment the p statements 
# below and rerun the code
s = String.new
# p s 
s = "Hello, world!"
# p s
s = s.upcase
# p s

Once the file is saved, remove the leading # from the print statements one by one, and run the code each time with ruby invisible_to_visible.rb at the terminal prompt. You don’t need to type it out every time, you can just press the Up ↑ arrow key when your cursor is at the terminal $-sign prompt to cycle to the previous entry.

When you are done experimenting, feel free to close the GitPod project window. We will open another project momentarily and only one GitPod tab will limit confusion.


With the String.new approach, we would have to add each character to our variable s one by one. One way to do so is by using the .concat method, which accepts a number as an argument, interprets it as an ASCII code, translates it into a single character, and adds it on to the end of the original string.

What’s an ASCII code? At the hardware level, computers only store integers (specifically, in binary form — using only 0s and 1s); so all other datatypes need to be encoded somehow as a number. ASCII, or American Standard Code for Information Interchange, was one scheme that was developed in the early days of computing to store English characters as integers Nowadays we use much more sophisticated encoding schemes such as Unicode that supports glyphs from many more languages, and even emojis 🙌🏾 Fortunately, Ruby handles most of this low-level stuff for us behind the scenes, so we never really have to worry about it anymore.. The codes are as follows:

ASCII Code Character ASCII Code Character ASCII Code Character ASCII Code Character ASCII Code Character ASCII Code Character
32 (space) 48 0 64 @ 80 P 96 ` 112 p
33 ! 49 1 65 A 81 Q 97 a 113 q
34 " 50 2 66 B 82 R 98 b 114 r
35 # 51 3 67 C 83 S 99 c 115 s
36 $ 52 4 68 D 84 T 100 d 116 t
37 % 53 5 69 E 85 U 101 e 117 u
38 & 54 6 70 F 86 V 102 f 118 v
39 ' 55 7 71 G 87 W 103 g 119 w
40 ( 56 8 72 H 88 X 104 h 120 x
41 ) 57 9 73 I 89 Y 105 i 121 y
42 * 58 : 74 J 90 Z 106 j 122 z
43 + 59 ; 75 K 91 [ 107 k 123 {
44 , 60 < 76 L 92 \ 108 l 124 |
45 - 61 = 77 M 93 ] 109 m 125 }
46 . 62 > 78 N 94 ^ 110 n 126 ~
47 / 63 ? 79 O 95 _ 111 o

Given those ASCII codes, we can now build up a new string from scratch like so:

# instantiate a new variable of String class
my_string = String.new

# make the invisible visible!
p my_string # => ""

# use the concat method to add characters
# one-by-one to the empty string variable

# make the invisible visible!
p my_string # => "Hello,"

# add some more characters again

# make the invisible visible!
p my_string # => "Hello, world!"

This is just a quick sandbox, so click here for a REPL to try it.

Start the GitPod Project

Once you’ve played with the REPL, it’s time to move into the graded project environment.

In our previous steps, we opened a GitPod workspace via https://gitpod.io/#[SOME REPO]. But, for most projects, you will be “forking” an existing GitHub repo to your account, then opening it on GitPod, so that you can save changes and keep your own copy around for future reference. We prepared these steps, so you just need to click on the Load assignment button when you see it.

Note: these steps go for opening any GitPod project, just change the project and file names.

Open the GitPod String project for this chapter and start with the exercises. Follow the instructions below and complete the task in the concat.rb file.

  1. LTI{Load assignment}(https://github.com/bpurinton-appdev/string-chapter/tree/bp-additions)[MV4dKHMwdAFhfRn752YW3TAY]{KBpPhe42o6wDRi35rWagKY4F}(20)[string_project]

  2. Open the concat.rb file in the editor window.

  3. Modify the file per the instructions on top.

  4. Run your Ruby file by typing ruby and then the name of the file you want to run in the terminal. If we want to run concat.rb, we can write the command:

    ruby concat.rb

    Remember, if there are multiple files with similar names, start typing the name and then just press Tab on your keyboard to let the terminal complete the name. You rarely need to type full filenames out — use tab completion!

  5. To re-run this command, you can use the Up ↑ and Down ↓ arrow keys to look at the history of commands you’ve run in a terminal.

  6. When you think you have the required output, run rails grade at the terminal prompt and proceed when the test(s) passes without errors.

If you are struggling, try to experiment directly in the irb environment by typing irb into the terminal and pressing enter. This will start an interactive Ruby terminal, where you can enter individual lines of Ruby to see their output. If you start irb then the terminal will no longer be in the bash environment so things like rails grade won’t work. You will need to open a second terminal with the plus (+) icon and switch between the irb and bash terminals as needed. Alternatively type exit at the irb terminal prompt to return to the bash environment. If you ever want to clear the terminal output to see a fresh new line, press Ctrl+K. And if you ever close the terminal and need to re-open it, press Ctrl+J.

String literals

Done with concat.rb? What a pain! Now that we’ve shown that, under the hood, even creating a string follows the syntax of noun.verb — let’s never do it again. From now on, we’ll use the shortcut of creating string “literals” in place by typing the characters we want within quotes: "Thank goodness!"

These kinds of exceptions to the regular grammar in order to make life easier are known as “syntactic sugar”.

1.3.2 Methods

Next, let’s familiarize ourselves with some of the String class’s methods. For each method below, there is a an .rb exercise in the GitPod project. So keep that project window open and work through it with rails grade as you go!

For each method below, we’ve provided some REPLs. They are there for you to experiment with the code, click “▶ Run”, or use the irb terminal and see how the methods work. Keep these methods in mind when working on the assignments in Gitpod.

String addition, a.k.a. +

We’ve already met the .concat method. .concat can accept an integer as an argument, which it interprets as an ASCII code, translates into a single character, and adds to the original string:

"hi".concat(33) # => "hi!"

.concat can also accept a string literal as an argument, in which case it just adds the whole thing to the end of the original string.

"hi".concat(" there") # => "hi there"

There’s also a shorthand for .concat: .+. This is not quite true. The + method is not just an alias for concat — they do slightly different things. But they’re close enough, for our purposes. That may look a little funny, but it’s nothing special, really; it’s just a method with a very short (one letter long) name:

"hi".+(" there") # => "hi there"

But here’s where it gets interesting; Ruby has another bit of nice syntactic sugar for us. If a class has a method named +, then you are allowed to drop the . before the method name when you call it, and just say:

"hi" +(" there") # => "hi there"

Wild! And, as we learned earlier when we were introduced to the p method, Ruby also allows you to omit the parentheses around arguments if you want to; so this can be further shortened to:

"hi" + " there" # => "hi there"

Now this is really starting to look familiar! It’s a lot like the calculator language, actually. Developer happiness, indeed.

a = "Hello"
b = "World"
p a + b # => "HelloWorld"        # You can add strings together

Return to the GitPod String project and work through addition.rb

String multiplication, a.k.a *

Strings can be multiplied by numbers using the * method More syntactic sugar here, like with the + method above; you can say "Ya" * 5 rather than "Ya".*(5).:

"Ya" * 5 # => "YaYaYaYaYa"

This sort of makes sense, if you think about multiplication as being repeated addition.

p "Hello" * 3

The order matters, though. See what happens when you try:

3 * "Hello"

Read The Error Message (RTEM)!

Does this make sense? "Hello" * 3 is calling the String method * with an argument of 3, which kinda makes sense (add "Hello" to itself 3 times).

But 3 * "Hello" is calling the Integer method * with an argument of "Hello", which doesn’t make much sense (what would it mean to add 3 to itself "Hello" times?).

Thus, we can see why the String version of * and the Integer version of * both need an integer argument. Again, the bottom line is — at all times as you are writing Ruby, you should be thinking: “What class is this object? What methods does this class have available?” Even when there’s some syntactic sugar making things look unconventional, don’t forget your basics! It’s still noun.verb under the hood.

Return to the GitPod String project and work through multiplication.rb


The upcase method returns a copy of the String with all lowercase letters replaced with their uppercase counterparts.

p "hello".upcase


The downcase method returns a copy of the String with all uppercase letters replaced with their lowercase counterparts.

p "I'M NOT YELLING AT YOU".downcase


The swapcase method returns a copy of the String with all uppercase letters replaced with their lowercase counterparts, and vice versa.

p "FaMiLy".swapcase # => "fAmIlY

Return to the GitPod String project and work through case.rb


The reverse method returns a new String with the characters from the String in reverse order.

p "I can speak in backwords words".reverse


The length method returns the number of characters (as an Integer) that a String has.

p "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious".length


The chomp method is mostly used to remove the "\n" (newline) character from the end of a string, if it is present:

"Raghu\n".chomp # => "Raghu"
"Raghu".chomp # => "Raghu"

This seemingly strange task is very common due to the way that getting user input works; usually someone has to type something at a prompt and then they press return to submit it, and that adds a “newline” ("\n") to the end of the string that they typed. Typically, we want to chomp that off the end of their input before we do anything further with it.

chomp can also remove other specified character(s) from the end of the string, if they are provided as an argument:

"1 apples".chomp("s") # => "1 apple"
"1 apple".chomp("s") # => "1 apple"

Return to the GitPod String project and work through chomp.rb


The gsub method returns a copy of the String it was called on with all occurrences of the first argument substituted for the second argument.

a = "Hello"
p a.gsub("ll", "ww")  # => "Hewwo"
Advanced gsub techniques

gsub also supports accepting a regular expression as its first argument. We won’t get into regular expressions in detail right now, but all languages (C, C++, Python, etc.) include a way to write regular expressions and they are a very powerful way to check whether input strings match certain patterns.

In Ruby, we work with regular expressions the way we work with everything else — via a class, Regexp. We create Regexp literals with forward slashes (like we use quotes to create String literals), and then put the pattern that we’re trying to match between the slashes.

For now, we’re just going to copy-paste a few simple regexes If your project requires scanning text for patterns, then RegexOne is a good resource for learning more. Rubular is handy for quickly testing your regular expressions against some example strings. that come in handy with gsub, in particular:

  • /\s+/ matches all whitespace, so we can use it with gsub to remove all whitespace:

    "Hello there,\nfriend".gsub(/\s+/, "") # => "Hellothere,friend"
  • /[^0-9]/ matches everything except numeric digits, so we can use it with gsub to remove everything except digits:

    "March 29th!".gsub(/[^0-9]/, "") # => "29"
  • /[^a-z]/i matches everything except letters (case-insensitively using the i mode after the // slashes). So we can use it with gsub to remove everything except letters:

    "March 29th!".gsub(/[^a-z]/i, "") # => "Marchth"
  • /[^a-z0-9\s]/i matches everything except letters, digits, and whitespace, so we can use it to remove everything except for those:

    "March 29th!".gsub(/[^a-z0-9\s]/i, "") # => "March 29th"

Return to the GitPod String project and work through gsub.rb

Return to the GitPod String project and work through regex.rb


Sometimes you have a string that contains a number, usually input from a user, and want to do math on it. to_i will attempt to convert a String object into an Integer object.

p "8".to_i


strip removes all leading and trailing whitespace.

p "   This has a lot of space on the outside     ".strip


capitalize returns a String with the first character converted to uppercase and the remainder to lowercase.

p "beginning".capitalize

Return to the GitPod String project and work through strip.rb


include? takes a String argument and returns true or false if the argument exists in the String that include? is called on.

p "Happy Days".include?("H")

p "Happy Days".include?("Z")

1.3.3 More on adding strings together

We spend a lot of time composing strings of output for our users, so let’s see a few more examples. Try this:

number = 6 * 7
message = "Your lucky number for today is " + number + "."

You’ll see that Ruby gets confused (RTEM!), because we are trying to add an integer to a string and it doesn’t feel comfortable with that.

The solution is to tell the Integer to convert itself to a String first using the method called .to_s, or “to string”. Try this instead:

number = 6 * 7
message = "Your lucky number for today is " + number.to_s + "."

The above technique for composing strings, adding them together with +, is called string addition.

There’s another technique for composing strings that I personally find a bit easier; it’s called string interpolation. Try this instead:

number = 6 * 7
message = "Your lucky number for today is #{number}."

Basically, inside the string, you place #{} where you eventually want your value to go. Inside the curly braces, you can write any Ruby expression without worrying about whether it is a string or not. The expression will be evaluated, converted to a string, and added to the string right in that spot. You can interpolate as many expressions as you want into a single string. Pretty neat!

If you find interpolation confusing, feel free to just use addition.

1.3.4 Getting strings from users with gets

We can make our programs much more interesting if we allow the users of the program to interact with them by supplying input. We can do this with the gets method (pronounced “get S”, short for “get string”), which will pause the program and wait for the user to type something in the terminal and press return. The return value of the gets method will be a String containing what the user typed, which we can store in a variable and then process further like any other String.

For example, rather than saying “Hello, world!”, let’s have the computer say hello to the user by name instead. When you run this program, it will pause after saying "What's your name?" and you will have to type something in and press return. Click on the terminal to put focus there, and then you’ll be able to type into it:

p "What's your name?"

their_name = gets

p "Hello, " + their_name + "!"

Great! Our first user input. However, you’ll notice a couple of things. First of all, there’s a \n sneaking into the input. \n represents a newline character, and it’s in there because of the return that is pressed to submit the input.


If you want to see the newline in action, we can use a different printing method called Kernel.puts (pronounced “put S”, short for “put string”). puts is actually the printing method that is used most when crafting the final output of command-line programs; as opposed to Kernel.p, which is used most for making the invisible visible while debugging. Try switching

p "Hello, " + their_name + "!"


puts "Hello, " + their_name + "!"

and see how the output is different.

You can see that the quotes around the string are removed, which makes sense if you’re actually displaying output to a user and not debugging — users should not know or care about the quotes around Ruby string literals. And the newline character causes a line break when a string is printed with puts, as it should.

Most of the time, we’ll stick with p, since it provides more details while debugging; but it’s good to know that puts exists.


We almost never want to keep the \n that results from the return keypress that submits the user’s input. Fortunately, the handy .chomp method does exactly what we need — if there’s a \n at the end of a string, it will remove it; if there isn’t, it does nothing. So, in practice, when we call gets we almost always tack a .chomp on to it immediately. Try modifying the program to:

their_name = gets.chomp

and see how it’s different.

Return to the GitPod String project and work through gets.rb

1.3.5 Conclusion

That’s about all we’ll need to know about strings to do most anything related to web applications! Next, we’ll take a look at numbers, starting with Integer.