1.6 Date

Sure, we could just use a String to represent a date, like "April 19, 1987". But Ruby has a built-in class that makes it much easier to work with dates: Date.

1.6.1 Creating a date

The Date class isn’t loaded into every Ruby program by default, so to use it we first need to say

require "date"

(Usually we omit the parentheses around the string argument to the require method. Just like when we use p "Hello, world!" as opposed to p("Hello, World!").) Date.new

After require "date", we can create a new instance as usual with:

Date.new # => #<Date: -4712-01-01 ((0j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>

By default, the new date is January 1st, of the year -4712! Interesting Year 1 of the Julian Period was 4713 BC (−4712)., but not very helpful.

You can also pass Date.new arguments to initialize with a specific year, month, and day:

Date.new(2001)            #=> #<Date: 2001-01-01 ...>
Date.new(2001,2,3)        #=> #<Date: 2001-02-03 ...>
Date.new(2001,2,-1)       #=> #<Date: 2001-02-28 ...>

1.6.2 Date Methods


The Date.today method returns an object initialized to the current date.

Date.today # => #<Date: 2019-04-16 ((2458590j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>


Call the year method on a Date object to return just the year of the date as an Integer.

t = Date.today # => #<Date: 2019-04-16 ((2458590j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>
t.year # => 2019


Call the month method on a Date object to return just the month of the date as an Integer.

t = Date.today # => #<Date: 2019-04-16 ((2458590j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>
t.month # => 4


Call the day method on a Date object to return just the day of the date as an Integer.

t = Date.today # => #<Date: 2019-04-16 ((2458590j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>
t.day # => 16

Open the GitPod Date project for this chapter and start with the exercise formatted.rb:

LTI{Load assignment}(https://github.com/bpurinton-appdev/date-chapter/tree/bp-additions)[MV4dKHMwdAFhfRn752YW3TAY]{KBpPhe42o6wDRi35rWagKY4F}(20)[date_project]

For a GitPod refresher, see here.


The Date.parse() method accepts a String argument and tries to interpret it as a date, initializing a Date object.

Date.parse("2001-02-03") #=> #<Date: 2001-02-03 ...>
Date.parse("20010203") #=> #<Date: 2001-02-03 ...>
Date.parse("3rd Feb 2001") #=> #<Date: 2001-02-03 ...>


You can subtract two dates from one another, which will return the number of days between them. The return value class is a Rational, which can be converted to a regular Integer with .to_i:

number_of_days = Date.today - Date.parse("July 4, 1776")
 => (88674/1)
 => 88674

Return to the GitPod Date project and work through math.rb


Returns true if the date is a Monday.


Returns true if the date is a Tuesday.


Returns true if the date is a Wednesday.


Returns true if the date is a Thursday.


Returns true if the date is a Friday.


Returns true if the date is a Saturday.


Returns true if the date is a Sunday.


Returns the day of week (0-6, Sunday is zero).

Date.new(2001,2,3).wday #=> 6

Return to the GitPod Date project and work through monday.rb

1.6.3 Time

Ruby has a Time class as well, that shares most of its methods with the Date class.

Time.now.wday # => 6
Time.now.saturday? # => true
Time.now.day # => 3


The strftime method is used on a Date or Time object. It requires a String argument that will be used to format the Date or Time in a particular way.

Assuming today is Monday, September 7th 2020

Time.now.strftime("%A") # => "Monday"
Time.now.strftime("%B") # => "September"
Time.now.strftime("%b") # => "Sep"
Time.now.strftime("%a %e, %R %p") # => "Mon, 7 14:35 PM"

You should not try to memorize what these patterns mean. Tools like strftime.net and For a Good Strftime exist to help compose the formatting string argument.

1.6.4 Conclusion

That’s it for Date and Time. Next up, we’ll learn how we can make lists of data with the Array class.